
Spatial efficiency regulators

At LAVA architecten we maximise spatial efficiency. We convert occupied space into socially relevant places. The days of unlimited seizure of open space are long gone—and good riddance.

In our re-conversions, we valorise the past by linking it to a sustainable and circular vision for the future. This vision dares to stray from the well-trodden paths in order to face the bold questions beyond mere building. It brazenly surpasses the absolute building principle.

Our Vision

starts today

It is that space we at LAVA architecten want to help shape. By bringing existing spaces and buildings back to life. By employing architecture to grant those places a new and sustainable destination. A destination that gathers. That is smart. Enriching. Now and in time to come.

As architects, we believe in architecture that leaves a permanent, positive mark on our world. That is why we think outside the box, challenging the status quo. That is why we see an added value in what’s already there. We allow that added value to arise once again from new designs.

That is how we create tomorrow’s heritage today.
Respecting the past – envisioning the future.


Sustainable architecture by virtue of societal added value

Sustainability is a global ambition. To get there, a global approach is required everywhere. We at LAVA architecten strive for sustainable architecture in everything we do – from technology over human resources to societal responsibility.

We envisage societally relevant designs and projects that manifest into enjoyable living and working environments. Always down-to-earth: in balance with the surroundings and nature, yet also realistic. We create space that is utilised optimally in time and in tune with the core values of symbolism and character.

This commitment to sustainability is confirmed in every new partnership we engage in. Be it with clients, fellow-architects or indeed members of our own team.


The LAVA approach

Expertise and dialogue

From the very first exploratory sketches up to, and including, completion. We take charge of your project. Always eye to eye, always intent on a productive exchange of views. Integrity and expertise are our top priorities, especially in the event of complications. That is how we guarantee long-term partnerships.

Detail-based added value

Every new project writes its own future. We dive deep into each case to create a story made to measure. We will even turn the most obvious questions inside out to create maximum long-term added value.

Technology as innovation catalyst

Both technology and innovation are of the essence in our workflow. From BIM applications to point clouds with drones, from simulations to automations: we will always develop, test and re-fine.

Continuous optimisation

Our clients and partners can count on a robustly managed back-office. We have elaborate scripts and smart templates for every step of the design and construction process. If needed, we write our very own programmes in order to minimise error margins or to automate repetitive tasks.

Our LAVA Alumni

We rerserve a special place for our alumni, our very own intellectual heritage. Those who helped shape the spaces of today. Thank you!

Discover our alumni Hide the alumni
  • Wim Goossens

    Mede-oprichter LAVA
  • Alysée Stevens

  • Anne-Valerie de Mûelenaere

  • Anton Draye

  • Bruno Stevens

  • Christiaan Leenaers

  • Dien De Greve

  • Elena Tytgat

  • Elizabeth Carlon

  • Gordan Cengic

  • Joyce Stijnen

  • Ighor Van De Vyver

  • Inez Demot

  • Janne Vanderhaeghen

  • Janno Bormans

  • Jesús Martinez Garcia

  • Joeri Clement

  • Joke Ibens

  • Jonas Van Molle

  • Karen Demyttenaere

  • Karim Aïche

  • Katrien Delespaul

  • Koen Coomans

  • Kristof Vervoort

  • Larissa Grauwels

  • Laurens Van de Vel

  • Lien Janssens

  • Lies Verheyden

  • Liesbeth Put

  • Lisa De Vos

  • Lore Segers

  • Marianne Ghoos

  • Mattias Staelens

  • Michiel Moyaert

  • Miet Vanheeswyck

  • Noémi Regula

  • Olmo Peeters

  • Peter-Jan Depreeuw

  • Pieter Cloeckaert

  • Stefanie Weckx

  • Toon de Gruyter

  • Vincent Macris

  • Wart Thys

  • Wim Meers

  • Wout De Zutter

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