No architecture without context. That is why we look for spatial solutions. Solutions that are inextricably connected to sustainability and social responsibility. Our goal is to create spaces where people love to come together, in and around the heritage of tomorrow.
We re-shape space(s)
We re-
We re-
We are diligent with the present context. We re-think and re-inforce what is already in place. With an eye for the past, the present and the future. We do this together; with our partners, with our clients.
We re-
We re-
We are LAVA,
a living lab
We are not just any architectural firm. Take a dive into our experimental designs and spatial re-search and discover how our inspirations, developments and innovations take shape.

Our Vision
starts today
As architects, we believe in architecture that leaves a permanent, positive mark on our world. Architecture that brings existing buildings and spaces back to life. That is why we think outside the box, challenging the status quo. That is why we see an added value in what’s already there. We invite that added value to reveal itself again in new designs.
That is how we create tomorrow’s heritage today.

Sustainable architecture by virtue of societal added value

Sustainability is a global ambition. To get there, a global approach is required everywhere. We at LAVA architecten strive for sustainable architecture in everything we do – from technology over human resources to societal responsibility.
