The master plan for Campus Dommelhof consists of a nursing home in the village of Tielt-Winge, equipped with a bistro, neighborhood health center, and day facilities, all grouped around a ‘village square’. From the jury report: “Of all the entrants, LAVA is by far the party that best understood the direction we want to take with our campus. This is particularly evident in the way the campus is designed as a combination of accessibility, openness, security, and readability. The architectural execution of the mix of semi-public functions makes this campus a public place where interaction, relaxation, care, and health naturally flow into each other. For this reason, the placement of the campus excellently embodies the de-institutionalization and socialization of care in combination with its environment, which is exactly what the client is seeking.”
The Achilles’ heel of the project posed the greatest challenge: the nearby Wingebeek regularly overflows its banks, often flooding the entire site. For our specific solutions, including flood-resistant crawlspaces, erosion measures on the higher fields, and a drainage system that adapts to various flooding scenarios, we received the first prize for ‘water resilient construction’ from the Province of Flemish Brabant.
On the other side of the main road, our master plan provides for the construction of 47 assisted living apartments. The project makes optimal use of the steep terrain by nestl-ing into the hillside. The core of the project is formed by a semi-public, ecological rooftop garden, which provides access to the various homes via different outdoor staircases. This south-facing garden sits atop the open parking area and offers a beautiful view over the houses. Several paths connect to the surrounding park-like area, which will include space for a playground, various terraces, a pergola, and more.