As a building block for this village, we use the size of the individual room, which defines the grid of the entire site. Integration into the large landscaped garden is maximized by arranging the building ensemble in a U-shape. In contrast to other proposals, LAVA architecten consciously chose not to build vertically. In this design, all living groups are located on the ground floor to avoid the constant need for elevators. On the access side, there is the day center with space for about twenty people. On the expansive garden side, the residential section is organized where around twenty people permanently reside. The administrative and technical services are located on the first floor, which connects the U-shape, allowing the new building to embrace the entire site. This centralization of services provides tranquility and space on the ground level, encourages cooperation and interaction between the various living groups, and guides users with efficient circulation paths.
The design takes into account the diversity of future arrangements in its structural and technical approach, considering the changing residents and their various needs, as well as the rapidly changing social context.
Both indoors and outdoors, the communal meeting spaces are emphasized by a spatial roof form: the gable roof. These living spaces appear as small houses within the larger building volume. Inside, these houses create ‘inner courtyards’ at the level of the facades, allowing light and views to penetrate the building, transforming the hallway into a circulation space that meanders throughout the care center.